Neil V. Seejoor

Software Engineer | Digitally Yours.


About Me

Engineering with the purpose to contain the complexity of the internet.

My time is spent designing apps that benefit me personally as well as empowering the lives of others. My willful attitude toward technical challenges combined with my diverse background fosters my ambition to compliment my endeavors on my next venture.

Model Pose


Spotify React Playlister

Create playlist with the Spotify API powered by ReactJS.

A front end app that hooks into the Spotify API to give users the ability to generate playlists that they can save to their account.


ENV: JavaScript / ES6 / React / API / HTML5 / CSS3 / TTD / Mocha / Functional Programming / Webpack / JSON / UX / UI / Git/ BootStrap / OAuth2 / API / JSX / Version Control / NPM

Youtube Demo

Investment Tracker

Track your investments long term and plan for the future.

A full stack app built with a Rails API backend using RESTful conventions and a React JS frontend with extensive use of React Hooks to architect a dynamic app presenting users with the ability to track their investments toward retirement.


ENV: JavaScript / ES6 / Version Control / IDE / JSX / React / Redux / NPM / Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / RESTful API / Databases / HTML5 / CSS3 / Responsive Design / RESTful API / Create React App / MVC / ES6 / Fetch API / JSON / Functional Programming / NPM

Youtube Demo

Crypto Currency Tracker

Crypto Currency price tracker to see up to the millisecond market fluctuations

The rationale was to architect a solution to give users a tool to track up to the moment fluxations in prices of cryptocurrency with Nokogiri and OO design patterns.


ENV: Bash / OO Design Patterns / Git / Version Control / Asana / TTD / RSpec / Unit Testing / Shell / Nokogiri

Youtube Demo


Discover and catalogue your celestial discoveries.

A full stack app using a RESTful API to populate ES6 Javascript classes on the front end, giving users a space to catalog their celestial discoveries.


ENV: SQL / Unit Testing / OOP / Asana / UX / UI / Responsive Design / Bootstrap / ES6 Classes / JQuery / JSON / HTML / CSS / ERB / Ruby / Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / Databases / MVC / RESTful API / JavaScript / ES6 / AJAX

Youtube Demo

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