Create playlist with the Spotify API powered by ReactJS.
A front end app that hooks into the Spotify API to give users the ability to generate playlists that they can save to their account.
ENV: JavaScript / ES6 / React / API / HTML5 / CSS3 / TTD / Mocha / Functional Programming / Webpack / JSON / UX / UI / Git/ BootStrap / OAuth2 / API / JSX / Version Control / NPM
Youtube DemoTrack your investments long term and plan for the future.
A full stack app built with a Rails API backend using RESTful conventions and a React JS frontend with extensive use of React Hooks to architect a dynamic app presenting users with the ability to track their investments toward retirement.
ENV: JavaScript / ES6 / Version Control / IDE / JSX / React / Redux / NPM / Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / RESTful API / Databases / HTML5 / CSS3 / Responsive Design / RESTful API / Create React App / MVC / ES6 / Fetch API / JSON / Functional Programming / NPM
Youtube DemoCrypto Currency price tracker to see up to the millisecond market fluctuations
The rationale was to architect a solution to give users a tool to track up to the moment fluxations in prices of cryptocurrency with Nokogiri and OO design patterns.
ENV: Bash / OO Design Patterns / Git / Version Control / Asana / TTD / RSpec / Unit Testing / Shell / Nokogiri
Youtube DemoDiscover and catalogue your celestial discoveries.
A full stack app using a RESTful API to populate ES6 Javascript classes on the front end, giving users a space to catalog their celestial discoveries.
ENV: SQL / Unit Testing / OOP / Asana / UX / UI / Responsive Design / Bootstrap / ES6 Classes / JQuery / JSON / HTML / CSS / ERB / Ruby / Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / Databases / MVC / RESTful API / JavaScript / ES6 / AJAX
Youtube DemoI will show you. Let us talk.